We Want To Say A Massive Thank You To The People's Postcode Trust!


Last year, we were incredibly grateful to receive funding from The People's Postcode Trust!

As our funding comes to an end, we wanted to take this opportunity to thank the Trust for its support which has been SO important in the delivery our work to support young people, families, and schools in Devon. Our work was made possible thanks to players of People’s Postcode Lottery.

Over the last year, we have provided support to thousands of parents via our free, online course ‘The Horizon Plan’, which teaches our clinical process to support young people struggling with mental health. The Horizon Plan is recommended by NHS trusts and NHS Recovery Colleges across the UK, including Devon Partnership NHS Trust, and currently has 1116 parents and carers enrolled.

In Totnes, we have delivered two in-person Parent Support Groups for parents of primary and secondary school-age young people struggling with mental health, through fortnightly, in-person group sessions....

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Learn How To Create a Home Routine That Supports Your Child's Healing



Here is a video from The Horizon Plan Module 1, where we teach you how to create a daily routine that supports your child's healing.

We have helped hundreds of parents and carers to better support a young person struggling with mental health through our free course 'The Horizon Plan'.

The Horizon Plan is our FREE online course for parents of children and teenagers struggling with emotions, behaviour and mental health, guiding you to better support your child's recovery.

CLICK HERE to join 'The Horizon Plan' for free and learn how to develop a consistent home routine to support your child's mental health.

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Primary School Assemblies and Workshops in Devon: Building Mental Health Resilience and Self-Esteem


This month, the Youth Mental Health Foundation team have been delivering assemblies and workshops to primary schools in Devon.

Thanks to our funders, West Devon Borough Council, Teignbridge District Council, and North Yard Community Trust, we have been visiting local schools to build mental health resilience and self-esteem.

Our school assemblies and workshops have been designed, developed and delivered by Jade Sutton, aged 19, who has lived experience of struggling with, and recovering from, significant mental health challenges. 

Earlier this month, Jade was interviewed on BBC Radio about winning the BBC 'Make A Difference Awards' for her work. You can listen to the interview by CLICKING HERE.

To date, Jade has spoken to over 35,000 young people with her powerful messages to:

  • Improve mental health resilience and self-esteem in young people
  • Destigmatise mental health, making it easier for young people to ask for help
  • Educate young people to accept, respect and...
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